Moving Beyond “When I” and “Someday”

Greg J Barber
2 min readJun 4, 2024

So many people live frozen by the idea of “when I” or “someday” that they never get around to achieving the thing in front of them. It’s sad to think about the unrealized dreams and ideas that go unpursued. In my journey, I’ve seen countless individuals trapped in this mindset, waiting for the perfect moment that never seems to come.

But life isn’t about achieving or arriving somewhere; it’s about the journey. The experiences we gather, the lessons we learn, and the growth we undergo all come from taking steps forward, no matter how small.

I remember my time in Bible college. Every Sunday, our dorm, filled with pastoral and ministry hopefuls, would be bustling with activity. Yet, ironically, Sunday morning, the day most crucial for our future roles, was often the busiest. Many of us were so engrossed in our studies and preparations that we neglected the very practice we were preparing for: attending church.

I’m not trying to be judgmental, but it’s hard to believe that someday you will start doing something that you aren’t doing at all now. If we can’t find the time to engage in our passions and callings today, what’s to say we will magically find it in the future?

The truth is, the perfect moment rarely exists. Waiting for it can lead to a lifetime of inaction and regret. Instead, we should seize the opportunities before us, no matter how imperfect they may seem. By doing so, we embark on the journey, and it’s through this journey that we truly find fulfillment.

So, take that first step. Whether it’s a small action towards a big dream or simply engaging in what you love, don’t let “when I” or “someday” hold you back. Embrace the now, and let the journey unfold.

